A nurse is helping a boy with cerebral palsy get into his wheelchair. They are both smiling and talking to each other.
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Wheelchair Assessment

The Wheelchair Assessment Service consists of a patient evaluation by a physical therapist and an Assistive Technology Professional with the goal of restoring mobility to patients. Primarily, we prescribe power wheelchairs or scooters. Patients may be referred to Physical Therapy and/or Occupational Therapy for further assessment and/or training.

As examples, patients have been referred with the following diagnoses:

  • Amputations

  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

  • Arthritis

  • Cancer

  • Cerebral Palsy

  • Degenerative Joint Disease

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Multiple Trauma

  • Muscular Dystrophy or Myopathy

  • Parkinson Syndrome

  • Peripheral Neuropathy or other Neurologic Condition

  • Poliomyelitis

  • Spinal Cord Injury

  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy

  • Stroke

  • All other individuals in need of wheelchair mobility

The power wheelchair, scooter or other appropriate mobility device is prescribed by the team. The report and prescription is forwarded to the payment source for approval. As part of the process, the home setting must be assessed in order to ensure that the wheelchair or other mobility device will be functional within the home setting. Upon approval by the insurer, the prescribed wheelchair or scooter or other mobility device is supplied by the Assistive Technology Professional’s medical supply company. All paperwork is done by the Wheelchair Assessment Service.