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LifeBridge Health Smoking Policy

A clear message about our commitment to health

LifeBridge Health prohibits the use of any tobacco product or electronic cigarette on our hospital campus, as well as adjacent and surrounding hospital properties.


LifeBridge Health is compelled to take action on issues affecting the health of people in our community by both the mission and vision of our Founders and Governing Board. We understand our leadership responsibilities as a central and vital community organization. As a health care institution, it is important that we educate and model healthy behaviors for our communities.


With this in mind, implementation of a smoke-free campus environment sends a clear message of the commitment to create and sustain healthy communities which is the hallmark of LifeBridge Health. LifeBridge Health and our affiliated organizations actively support the state, national and worldwide efforts to control and diminish the use of tobacco. A smoke-free & tobacco-free campus environmental policy encourages employees, visitors and patients to quit tobacco.


Our commitment to improving the health environment on our campuses and in our community is long term. We believe our policy fulfills our leadership responsibilities; puts patients and families first by providing a healthy, smoke-free tobacco-free atmosphere; lowers long-term health care costs; lowers cleanup costs and improves the health, and productivity of everyone.


At LifeBridge Health we are clearing the air! We define a “smoke-free campus environment” as one that is free from the smoking of any tobacco products, as well as those chewed or otherwise consumed, both indoors and outdoors, within all boundaries on hospital owned or leased buildings and owned or leased vehicles, without exception.

Thank you for your cooperation and anticipated support of our smoke- and tobacco-free policy.